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Artist  :

 Chandana Liyanarachchi

Song   :

 Ehala Mal Pipena  


  E minor 6/8

Clarify Notation


Click here to correct chords  or submit the song information to webmaster ( Music & Lyrics)

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Em  C   Bm  D

Em  C   D   Em

Em  Em  Em  D

Em  D   Em  Em

Em  C   D   Em


a#h#l EmmL Ó@pn` D@qvt Ø@G EmÐx Óy m#DNn`

ÕN G@p~y q`k Ds> ìlâN BmËÒz @p@nNEmn`

Ga$w m#w D@k`w#nk @h~ Amkîr#W @n`Den`

v#t Gl< µØÉN DmA Bme¢ blNEmnM


[[EmvWäÐ w#vr# Bmgw mt Da@G @n`@vEmNn`

Dv@N ÓÕÈ mlK @lst Bmäv> hmEmNn`]]

EmomÝ b#ÆM @hl`Bmí ËÒz ¡mt n#@MEm§


[[EmbhK @n`Ù Bm°yW ahk Dbl` ân`Emã

Dmtm µÊ y#û m@g âw BmÎwr ¿y`Emí]]

Emmg blÉN s#mq` i‰ Bmv#t l< iNEmnM

Lyrics by:  Visharada Nihal Gamhewa
Music by :  Visharada Nihal Gamhewa
Chords from the collection of   Dr. Dushan Alponsu
N.B. This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. webmaster

All Rights Reserved. Ó

Navindra Alponsu

Published on 10th of April 2004

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